Christchurch City Council is meeting on Thursday 9 July at 9.30am. The main items on the agenda for the public part of the meeting are:
- A notice of motion from the Coastal-Burwood Community Board which recommends the Council urgently consider initiating the process of developing a Regeneration Plan for New Brighton.
- A report from the Coastal-Burwood Community Board which recommends the Council declare the property at 548 Marshland Road as surplus and sell it.
- A report from the Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board which recommends making safety improvements at the intersection of Wairakei/Grahams roads.
- A Hearings Report from the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board which recommends the Council proceed with plans for upgrading the bus stops on Buckleys Road, by Eastgate Shopping Centre, in Linwood.
- A report that seeks Council’s approval for parking changes on Lichfield Street, outside Riverside Market.
- A report that recommends the Council reinstate the delegations to the Council’s committees, which were revoked as part of the Council’s response to COVID-19 when the country went into lockdown in late March.
- A report about installing backflow prevention devices to protect the city's water supply from contamination due to backflow from customer connections.
- A report that recommends the Council approve the detailed traffic resolutions for the Victoria Street revitalisation.
- A report seeking Council support for a proposal to grant a lease and licence to Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Ltd to use an area of Cathedral Square for construction purposes and, if supported, to initiate public consultation on the plan.
- A report recommending the Council delegate authority to the Chair of the Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee and General Manager of Citizens and Community to make decisions on applications made to the Events and Festivals fund for events taking place between 1 July and 3 October 2020.
Read the full agenda.
The public are welcome to attend the Council meeting, which will be held in the Council Chamber on the second floor of the Civic Offices in Hereford Street. Alternatively you can watch the meeting on the live-stream.