Waimairi Stream through Fendalton Park is being naturalised to enhance water quality, create a healthier aquatic habitat and stabilise the waterway bank.
The section of the creek runs along the south of Fendalton Park, beginning near Medbury Terrace and winding alongside Fendalton Bowling Club.
The urban, spring-fed plains steam is a tributary of the Ōtākaro Avon River, flowing from Burnside Park and connecting with Wairarapa Stream before the River in Mona Vale Gardens.
Boulder and cobble clusters will be placed in stream to enhance flow diversity. This will improve water quality and create a healthier aquatic habitat.
Native vegetation will be planted along each side of the waterway banks to reduce sedimentation and erosion, and enhance natural biodiversity.
The section of the Stream is home to native shortfin eels (Anguilla australis), longfin eels (A. dieffenbachia) and upland bully (Gobiomorphus breviceps), plus introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Waimairi Stream through Fendalton Park is being restored
Work began on 16 September and will continue to the end of October.
Further waterway works upstream near Daresbury Park are currently underway through a section of Waimairi and Fendalton Streams.
Old timber lining at the end of its life will be renewed and will be replaced with new timber and rock linings.
Native riparian plants and tree roots will be installed to enhance ecological benefits, as well as fish hides in new timber lined areas.
Enhancements at the Waimairi/Fendalton Streams section will be completed in late November.
Find more information about the Fendalton Park work on our website.