Got ideas for how we can reduce rubbish and manage waste in more sustainable ways?
Christchurch City Council is seeking public input on its draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020 which sets out how it plans to manage and minimise the district’s waste.
Have your say on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020.
Currently more than 200,000 tonnes of waste is sent to landfill each year in Christchurch - the equivalent of 538 kg per person. Another 115,000 tonnes is processed through recycling and organics processing (composting) facilities.
The draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020 outlines the Council’s goals of reducing reliance on landfill, increasing opportunities to reuse materials, and working towards a vision of zero waste and a circular economy.
“The draft plan takes into account recent import restrictions in international recycling markets and Christchurch’s current reliance on overseas processing of our recycling products.
“It makes it clear that Council will need to work more closely with businesses, industry and central Government to support waste diversion and develop innovative local solutions for resource recovery,’’ says Council Head of Three Waters and Waste Helen Beaumont.
“We know there will be people in the community who have ideas about how we can achieve our zero waste goal. We want to hear those ideas and get the communities’ feedback on how we should tackle waste,’’ Ms Beaumont says.
The public consultation period on the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2020 closes on 31 August.
The Council will hold hearings to consider the submissions received, before it finalises the plan later this year.