Kyle Park is a step closer to becoming home to Hornby’s new community facilities.
Kyle Park is the preferred site for Hornby's new community facilities.
Christchurch City Council has today approved Kyle Park as the preferred location for the new Hornby library, customer services and recreation and sport centre.
The Council has $35.7 million budgeted for the new facilities and hopes to begin construction on them in early 2021.
“I’m delighted that we now have agreement on a preferred site for these much needed community facilities – it is a really positive step forward,’’ says Hornby ward Councillor Jimmy Chen.
“The south west is one of Christchurch’s fastest growing areas and there is a definite need for a new pool, library and recreation centre.
“Extensive testing has been done at Kyle Park over the past few months and we have been assured by the geotechnical engineers that it is a suitable site for the planned new facilities.
“The next step is for us to consult the public about getting the park’s reserve classification and management plan amended to allow for the new facilities. That will happen in the new year,’’ Cr Chen says.
Hornby High School Principal Robin Sutton supports the decision to move ahead with the Kyle Park site, which is close to his rapidly growing school.
He says the south west urgently needs these resources to help empower and inspire young people in the local community.
“Schools can’t provide sufficient resources to meet the full range of needs of their students. To have a library and a pool right next door to our children will be huge. Our roll is 700 at the moment but will reach 800 in the next few years and could grow to 1200 over time. There’s a lot of population growth in this area,’’ Mr Sutton says.