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Showing 1 - 10 of 108 for Caring for the environment

Investigation into unauthorised trench results in fine

14 Apr 2021

Christchurch City Council’s Regulatory Compliance Unit has completed its investigation into an incident involving Councillors Phil Mauger and James Daniels last July when a trench was dug without authorisation on land adjacent to Pages Road.

Wipes go in the bin, not the loo

16 Mar 2020

Christchurch City Council is reminding people not to flush wet wipes down the toilet following a spate of wastewater blockages in Auckland.

Containment plan approved for old Bexley Landfill

26 Feb 2020

Nearly $1.5 million will be spent shoring up the old Bexley Landfill to prevent further erosion.

Floating wetlands form part of new-look stream

16 Jul 2019

A quake-damaged stormwater drain in Shirley which runs into Horseshoe Lake has been given a dramatic makeover.

Help make the wrybill Bird of the Year

4 Nov 2019

Christchurch people are being encouraged to get behind a campaign to vote the wrybill as New Zealand’s Bird of the Year.

South Brighton bund proves popular

9 Aug 2021

A newly finished section of bund to reduce flood risk along South Brighton estuary is proving popular with walkers and cyclists.

Council approves Urban Forest Plan

7 Jun 2023

Council today approved a future focused plan outlining how we can grow our city’s urban forest.

New policy highlights benefits of trees

21 Aug 2020

A draft policy that spells out how Christchurch City Council will manage the planting, protection, maintenance and removal of trees on public land will soon go out for public consultation.

Smoke-free burning for a warmer, cheaper winter

24 May 2022

Environment Canterbury is reminding Canterbury residents to ‘burn smoke-free’ this winter.

Explore Christchurch’s newest wetland

10 Feb 2021

Native flora and fauna are starting to flourish in a new wetland area in Halswell.