Spreydon Library is closing for six weeks while Christchurch City Council refurbishes the building.
Fendalton Library is closing for eight weeks while Christchurch City Council refurbishes the building.
79-year-old Max Lucas is ‘knot’ your average stitcher.
Christchurch City Libraries needs more photos for a new exhibition that tells the story of the city’s Pasifika community.
Keep the kids entertained over the holiday period with a range of free or low-cost events hosted by Christchurch City Libraries.
Calling all revolting children!
Parklands Library will reopen ahead of schedule on Friday after a major upgrade and earthquake-related repairs.
New Brighton Library is closing for seven weeks while Christchurch City Council gives the interior a much-needed refresh.
Library customers with adult membership can now access holds free of charge.
Ever wondered about the women in your family history that never got the attention they deserved?